Saturday, January 27th
3:00-4:00 pm
Cost:$30 in advance, $35 at the door
Welcoming Abundance
Abundance is already there and ready for you to receive it. Like love (not the ‘emotional love’, but rather the love that is YOU and is the SOURCE of EVERYTHING), abundance surrounds us, pervades our very being, and indeed IS us. So, then why don’t we FEEL or EXPERIENCE abundance? Why do we experience LACK in so many aspects of our lives? What is blocking abundance in our lives? One source of blockage is conditioning and conditioning can be released.
This group energy session will offer you a deep healing to energize you, bring in a sense of peace and then release conditioning that blocks the reception and perception of abundance in your life. The effects of such a release may be felt on multiple levels and aspects of yourself, mentally, emotionally, physically, etc. During this session, Regina Casey Rae, will also release any karmic conditioning that is ready to release. Whether you are looking for abundance in personal relationships, financial situations, work situations, travel, etc, come see what happens when the ‘doors to abundance’ are opened and abundance is allowed to flow freely.
To register, contact Regina at