Crystal Visions: Books-Gifts-Spiritual-Intuitive-Readings-Events

02-03 / Imbolc Celebration

Imbolc Celebration
Saturday February 3rd
12- 1 pm 

⬧ Come join us for an Imbolc celebration with local author and Brigid priestess, Lisa Wagoner ⬧

Ritual, Candle Blessings & more!

⬧ Donations gratefully accepted


Lisa Wagoner is a writer, author of Positive Pagan: Staying Upbeat in an Offbeat World, a healing guide, teacher, and coach. She lives in Asheville (NC), and is a devoted follower of the goddess Brigid. She offers private readings, coaching, healing sessions and workshops, and can usually be found outside tending to her home wildlife sanctuary. Her latest offering is her Substack, “Opener of Stuck Spaces”. She is passionate about herbalism, worldwide community and healing.

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