Saturday September 16th
3:00 – 5:00 pm
When Pamela McMahon died suddenly and unexpectedly, her lifelong love and husband Donald T., and her family were thrust into a world that no one was prepared for. This book is a real time diary of the recollections of a 56 year relationship and the processing of grief on an intimate and personal level as they unfolded. It also contains a historical record of the turbulent 1960’s through the global pandemic of 2020’s. Intriguing and surprising with every episode.
“This WHOLE story is wild and wonderful and heartbreaking. I’m enthralled….”
– Carrie Pitts – Densmore
“These glimpses into the ‘darkness’ that brought you both into such a beautiful state of bright and beautiful pure, love, is the most uplifting and inspirational reading I have read in a long time….”
-Adrianne Becavis
Please join us for this book release event with Donald T McMahon – a lifetime musician, Reiki practitioner & teacher, a Breathworker, and seeker. The event will include music, personal stories about the book, and time for questions.
Don will have copies of the book for sale and signing.