
Ethics of Divination by Allison Frank

by Allison Frank
Asheville Oracle

What are your personal ethics as a reader? Are there questions you will not answer? Questions you should not answer? Have you given any thought to this aspect of your practice?

When working in the metaphysical arts, it is imperative to employ the highest degree of ethical responsibility during a session.  Whether you are just reading for friends, or if you’re an experienced psychic, your decision to help others holds you accountable to speak the unvarnished truth about what the cards reveal. There are positive readings and there are also dark, unwanted ones.  The burden of truth may feel oppressive if the spread contains uncomfortable or upsetting information. Your sacred obligation is to always honor the process of the cards and the universal magic made available to you.

In the long tradition of Tarot, the moment you sit down to read, you become a conduit between the cards and the other dimensions. This human/other-worldly interaction is a magnificent, transformational relationship,  It bestows us with information from our guides, angels and ancestors in order to serve humanity. However, because tarot readers don’t have a regulatory board to monitor our work, it becomes incumbent upon each of us to govern our own behavior and to maintain the greatest level of standards when performing a reading.  If you distort the meaning of the cards either because you are not certain of the correct meaning or you skew the interpretation to influence a specific outcome, the misrepresentation of the facts can cause grave danger to the person for whom you are reading. Therefore, the weighty mantle of accountability becomes your celestial guidepost.

People seek readings for a myriad of reasons. When every possible avenue to remedy a problem has been exhausted, people will inevitably turn to psychics if they are predisposed towards having a spiritual bent. Ranging from relationships and jobs, to the more esoteric aspects of earthly life including hauntings and unexplained premonitions, readers are – by virtue of what we do –  entrusted to listen to the deepest fears and unspoken secrets of our clients. They show up already inclined to believe what the cards say. So make certain you explain the cards’ message as precisely as possible.

Tarot doesn’t always provide satisfactory solutions. There are times when it’s blatantly obvious that cards alone are not adequate to alleviate the client’s difficulty. When that happens, resist the temptation to give advice when presented with predicaments outside your area of expertise. Explain that you not a licensed therapist, accountant, or doctor and therefore do not provide a diagnosis or counseling when confronted with questions that stray beyond your boundaries. When that occurs, evaluate the situation and encourage a client to seek help elsewhere. The client will respect your honesty, even if that’s not what they wanted to hear. There’s no shame in admitting that Tarot cards can’t predict if you mother is terminally ill or if you are going to move to Italy in ten years. Of course there are cards that do warn about future catastrophes, financial obstacles and agonizing mental states, and disclosing that type of message during a reading is totally valid. But understand your limitations and weigh your comments properly.

Here are some other ideas to consider when building your practice:


A reading should always be empowering because everyone deserves to trust their intuition. It’s our sixth sense, our god-given right, our cosmic heritage that weaves us all together. Therefore the primary goal of every reading  – even if unspoken – should be to infuse the recipient with the gentle reminder that they are universal souls living an earthly existence. Readers should always fortify their clients with a hefty dose self-confidence when it comes to owning their power. The miracle of bringing forth answers from spirit does not only happen when one is sitting in front of a psychic –  divination is available to everyone who seeks it.


What do you think your service is worth? Is your hourly fee more than your doctor charges? Do you allow for a sliding scale if someone needs help but can’t afford it? Always charge a fair price for your work.

Yes, we all need money but there must be a balance between serving a client and making a living. Too often,  I have seen clients pay exorbitant prices when they are desperate to feel better. I just heard a story about a woman who paid an internet shaman $500 for a prayer guaranteed to bring her boyfriend back. Not only is that greedy, it’s fraud.  If practitioners over charge, it can cause harm not only to clients but to the entire profession. We have an obligation to our entire spiritual community to work within the confines of ethical behavior. After all, our mastery is our birthright so why should we take advantage of others when most of us didn’t pay a dime to attain our skills or didn’t attend any type of school or training? Be kind. Times are hard.

Also, if you’ve not done many readings, it’s important to disclose your level of knowledge to those for whom you are reading so as not to mislead anyone about your abilities. Maybe take a donation or do a trade but never pass yourself off as an expert unless you have a couple of solid years of study and actual hands-on readings under your belt.


When getting a reading, a person should be able to expect that what they share during the session will not be repeated to anyone else. You should uphold the same regulations as a therapist since you are basically providing a service where people need to feel one hundred percent safe and protected in your care. They are entrusting you with their innermost desires and dilemmas and they are entitled to have their privacy respected. If THEY choose to talk about the experience, that’s entirely different; it is their right to share the details of the session with whomever they want.

Third Party Readings
A third party reading involves pulling cards for someone without their permission. It’s always been my belief that it’s dishonorable to lay a spread about a person who is completely unaware that their personal space is being invaded.

Case in point: There are some online readers who perpetually assert they are reading for celebrities or politicians who capture our collective attention. For example England’s royal family – most particularly Princess Kate Middleton. We regularly hear from a wide swath of these alleged psychics that she’s already dead or that Prince William has divorced her. When, in fact, if you verify these “claims” a few days later, you realize that none of their predictions came true. They sensationalize cultural icons to impress their audience, to draw you in, to take your money. This type of fraud does nothing except damage those of us only trying to abide by our spiritual morals in order to serve other people.

Unfortunately, I also get this line of inquiry all too frequently because our lives do center around relationships and it is natural to want closure about a break-up or a sick family member.  I’m often asked, “Is my ex thinking about me?” Or “When do you think my daughter will go back to college?”  Or “Does my father have cancer?” You get the gist. It doesn’t mean psychics can’t divine answers to these questions, but we probably shouldn’t indulge clients’ wishes to override the privacy of others. Because, in all likelihood, the result might be wildly inaccurate. In these scenarios, I remind people that this is their reading, and that the question should be re-framed to focus on how the client might react instead of what the other person is thinking.


Be impeccable with your words. Read the cards.  Don’t make up meanings. Don’t skew the interpretation when it has dire implications and you don’t want to be the messenger of bad news. When you read for others, tell the truth. The information you receive via these ancient images comes to you from other dimensions, from beings who fill you with knowledge that must be accurately delivered or else, what is the point of even performing this sacred act of prophecy?


Allison Frank (Asheville Oracle) has dedicated her life to reading Tarot cards to help people solve problems by accessing the higher dimensions. She’s been a reader at Crystal Visions for the past 8 years and you can book an appointment with her through the store. You can Contact Allison at or at Asheville Oracle Tarot on Facebook.




Link to previous Blog Post: Tarot – Why Get a Reading and How to Make the Most of It. By Kim Anderberg

Tarot – Why Get a Reading and How to Make the Most of It. By Kim Anderberg

Tarot – Why Get a Reading and How to Make the Most of It.
By Kim Anderberg

The system of the Tarot has long fascinated and fomented great debate over the last five or so centuries, with its origins still widely argued. Readers and seekers alike find an ally in this system of divination, while others oppose and fear it. Certainly, something as controversial as the Tarot must have some credence. Having read for the general public for over three decades, I’ve had plenty of time to philosophize on the hows and whys of the system. The numinous epiphanies and validations from the many strangers I have engaged have landed me a true believer of
the value and positive impact the tarot can have. It is not an easy path for us readers. Yet, we see its ability to touch the soul of the querent and assist them in whatever life deals.

Why get a tarot reading?

Getting a reading is a personal experience and can be described as looking at a mirror – into the soul. Tarot is not about fortune telling or seeing the future. This concept is one of the reasons many turn away. I have heard all kinds of statements around ‘not wanting to know the future’ or ‘not wanting to get the death card’. These misconceptions are stigmatizations that have fueled the ongoing debate. Although predictions can be organically gleaned in a reading, and should be based upon cause and possible effect already in motion, they are only possibilities based on the current pathway. Every choice we make can change this outcome and so predictions are as mutable as water and often unreliable.  Instead, the tarot reflects back what is most important in your life right now. It offers guidance in these moments, highlighting your personal strengths and adversities. These insights are your allies, there to assist and support you. Getting a reading can offer profound insights not already considered. For some it is light hearted curiosity and for others it is spiritual guidance, but whatever the reason, the tarot can be an extremely helpful tool. The tarot can not only inform and support but also positively change the lives of those who have allowed themselves to be open to it.

When getting a reading, there are a few things that you as a querent (the person to inquiry) can do to get the most out of your reading.

A Clear Question

It is best to come to the table with a clear question or thoughts for which you would like to receive guidance. Instead of being “open” to receive “whatever,” having a clear need causes the reading to focus on the specifics rather than generalizations. If you come to it saying, “I just want to know whatever the universe has to tell me,” your reading may be very accurate while being scattered. It may, if you are new to it, impress you with its accuracy, demonstrating the tarot’s potency. However, this type of open reading can be all over the map and even confuse the tarot reader. It is good to acknowledge that your life is complex with many different things playing out simultaneously, and the tarot will pick up on these things in an overlighting format. Asking a specific question or thinking of the most important issues affecting you now will give more specific detail and guidance to your reading.

The Present Is A Gift

The tarot is a mirror, meant to reflect information needed in the current moment. Its best use is not for prediction, although predictions can happen in conjunction with the here and now. It is important to keep your questions present tense. Certainly it can foretell solid future events, such as “You will get married” or “You will get the job you
applied for.” These statements are an effect of a current decision making process. However, if you come to it specifically looking for answers about your future, the reader and you may get a bit off base. Asking about the future can be insanely confusing and unreliable. Think of your query in the present, and if a prediction is hidden in the cards, you might just get enough of a dose to satiate your curiosity. After all, if readers were all psychics, we all would have won the lottery.

Are they the ONE?

Relationship readings are hands down some of the most difficult readings to do. You ask about a relationship and maybe you are told something you don’t want to hear. It happens again and again that the Querent will reject this reading. You may be vested in an outcome – being told this is a soul mate or that this person is the love of your life or
(enter preconceived ideas here). It is a very complicated subject matter and often there is no clear yes or no when it comes to matters of the heart (cups). And if the reading does say no, you might not listen anyway. Truth is, you might need to have this relationship even if it will end in tears, so who’s to say you should or shouldn’t?  For a healthy point of view, have an open mind and accept that you might or might not like the answer, and maybe that answer will not stop you anyway.

Mind Reading

A bit of caution if you’re wanting to know what someone else is doing, thinking, or saying about you. Your reading can result in some hard knocks. This type of question is intrusive on other’s privacy and can result in you being scolded by the cards. That’s right! The cards can call you out for spying. Your reading is meant for you, not for you to look inside someone else or have the reader read someone else. The important others will appear in your reading and can shed light on what kind of energy they bring. Framing your question around, for example, “Is this person healthy for me?” or “What can help me with this situation/person?” is going to give more digestible results.

Hidden Beneath the Surface

It can happen that something suppressed or something you were not thinking about at all comes up in your reading. The reason can be that this thing is directly impacting your current affairs, even if unacknowledged. This is your mirror, and it is wise beyond your years. It is possible that in retrospect, you will find this to be exceptionally helpful
information even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. But What About Those Scary Cards?

The philosophy of the tarot is about light and shadow, strength and adversity and the trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows that we all go through in our human experience. In this way there are no “bad” cards. We can certainly see when there is a struggle or a difficulty in a current pathway but if we perceive these things as scary or bad news, it
actually can make it harder to move through these events and processes. When we look at them as teachers and allies we realize that there are no bad cards – just poor reactions to life’s curveballs. In retrospect we see the strength in them and how much they empower us to help us get through the current difficulties and get on the other side of it.

Giving The Reader A Clue

Some people come to readings not wanting to give any information to the reader at all and even shutting themselves down energetically. There are a lot of complex things happening in your life all at the same time and a reading can cover many of these things. If you tell the reader a simple amount of information such as what your question is or
what the issue is that you would like to receive some insights about, it can definitely help make the reading more concise and guide the reading towards exactly what is needed in the moment. When the Querent shuts themselves down and tries to see how “psychic” the reader is, the only person that they are hindering is themselves. Often
readers not only use the cards to read but are using their intuitions around what they’re feeling from the Querent. Allowing yourself to be received supports a more accurate reading.

The Perfect Fit

There are many types of readers out there. Some may be more spiritual, others more pragmatic, but no matter their style, they all have a job to do – deliver a message specific to you. If you disagree with a reading or don’t like the message, you might consider that this is exactly what you needed in the moment, even if it doesn’t make sense right now. Retrospect often yields understanding. There are many messages that can be seen in a reading and the job is not an easy one. We readers don’t know everything, contrary to popular belief. And sometimes, we might miss the target. We are human after all. I encourage the seeker to keep an open mind (good for neuroplasticity), take things with a grain of salt, and above all else, have fun! The cards are beautiful and astounding and can move us deeply. Keep searching, keep yearning, and try out readers like you might try out shoes. Some will be the perfect fit.

A Compelling Story

Maybe you have wondered why you have the notion to get a reading at all. If you listen to this inner voice, it may be that one day you find yourself in front of a stranger who deals out some foreign yet strangely familiar images and then begins to unpack things about you that mystifies and stirs the spirit. It can be exciting to see this unfold. A reading can invigorate you, strengthen you and channel you. It should uplift your soul while also shedding light on what needs attention. This is your journey of illumination that can lead to connected dots, synchronicities, and epiphanies galore. This is your soul compelling you and it is a beautiful story of you.


Kim Anderberg is an intuitive tarot and runes reader with 33 years experience. She also practices magical and medicinal herbalism and aromatherapy. You can find her on the Crystal Visions monthly calendar. If you are interested in a reading or learning how to read cards or runes, you may call the store for more information.




Link to previous Blog Post: Food Cravings and the Emotional Body by Dianne Carol

Planetary Trends for October 2024 by Belinda Dunn

WHAT’S UP – October 2024
Belinda C. Dunn
Libra Solar Eclipse
October 2 @ 2:49 pm EDT
Aries Full Moon
October 17 @ 7:27 am EDT
A season of transition, autumn is well underway in the northern hemisphere. Meanwhile, planet Earth orbits in spectacular alignment with Moon and Sun, commonly known as the eclipse season. In between an outstanding Lunar Eclipse on September 17, and a promising Solar Eclipse on October 2, terrestrial matters are in a state of flux. As the past rapidly becomes obsolete, the future remains unknown. An air of uncertainty kicks up dust, eats away at resistance, and blows away familiar pathways.
Still reeling from the effects of a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Neptune, humanity is posed for a powerful Solar Eclipse in Libra. If you find life circumstances in a state of vacillation, you are not alone. Eclipses shake up preconceived notions while revealing underlying conditions. Astrologer Lorna Bevan gives the analogy, “Imagine that a puzzle piece fell out of the sky into your hands. This new piece offers information, and when added to the overall picture of your puzzle will change the complexion of the situation and bring you a flash of insight. You will also know what you must do next.”
The astrology chart for the Solar Eclipse shows Moon, Sun, Mercury and South Lunar Node closely aligned in Libra. This indicates unfinished business, especially in the area of relationship. Human interaction can take a myriad of forms, and for the most part, people take relationship for granted. There are many stumbling blocks to connection, such as projection, blame, dishonesty, assumptions, self-absorption and willfulness.
A Solar Eclipse in Libra can illuminate these stumbling blocks, personally and collectively. However, the essence of Libra is far from doves and rainbows, but the real work of negotiation. Over recent decades, popular culture has taken a nose dive into the crass and crude, anything goes mindset. The daily dose of news coverage seems to fixate on legal action, and those embroiled in lawsuits. Those entities fanning the flames of division are up to no good. Libra is the zodiac sign of “open enemies,” and a reminder that, “the wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind-exceedingly fine.”
As the peacekeeper, Libra teaches the fine art of skillful relationship, and the social skills of decorum, cooperation, communication and diplomacy. Losing sight of these skills has enormous implications as evidenced in the current state of affairs.
International affairs are especially highlighted this month. In the USA astrology chart, Saturn in Libra stands as a destiny point of leadership, setting an example of diplomacy in building and sustaining alliances. Of course, it is not the job of the USA to be the world’s policeman, and meddle in foreign affairs, but the chart shows the guiding light of principles that are fundamental to peacekeeping missions.
There are several important planetary directions in October. First, Jupiter goes retrograde on October 9. Since May 25, the full force of Jupiter’s transit through Gemini has brought many people out of the shadows to work together in common purpose. Jupiter in Gemini supports networking and teamwork, truth telling and growing consensus through sharing stories. The retrograde phase until early February indicates a period of integration based on a rapid expansion of ideas and ideals.
As Jupiter goes retrograde, Pluto goes direct on October 11. This is an entirely different signal from the cosmos. In the final degree of Capricorn, Pluto signals an end of an era. For over fifteen years, Pluto in Capricorn has unearthed rotting structures in big business, corporate wealth, government overreach, infrastructure and social systems. The crescendo effect of powerful entities, out of touch with everyday reality, is slowly, but surely, being supplanted by more humane systems of commerce and governance.
Within a few days of Pluto’s station, Mercury squares Pluto and enters Scorpio. Exact on October 13, this leads into a more tumultuous period for the next 10 days. The final push toward November’s presidential election is part of this, but other factors come to the fore. There will be many reasons to press an issue, or force solutions. People may feel disgruntled, and Mercury in Scorpio does not hold back. As much as forthright conversation is needed, it is important to weigh options, and choose timing carefully.
In the midst of coming to terms with numerous factors, there is a definitive Full Moon on October 17. Also a SuperMoon, this is the closest approach of Moon to Earth in 2024. Known as perigee, and depending on location, Moon appears up to 30% larger and brighter. Along the eastern seaboard, the Sun will be rising as the Moon sets on the western horizon.
In terms of timing, a powerful lunation of this nature encompasses 3 days on either side of the exact date. Therefore, events during the week of October 13-19 carry more weight, and implications are far reaching. In political terms, planetary trends suggest the so-called, “October surprise.”
The astrology chart for this SuperMoon shows a grand cross, a rare planetary configuration consisting of two oppositions and four squares, literally marking a cross in the celestial sphere. Imagine the intensity and focus required for a juggling act. Energetically, no matter how it shows up in your personal life, or our collective experience, this is a challenging period of cross purposes, competing interests and conflicting urges.
Of particular note is Moon squaring Mars. Astrology is the language of symbols, so let’s break it down into bite sized pieces. Essentially, Moon in stressful aspect to Mars speaks to domestic unrest. The Moon in Aries can react impulsively and independently without regard for others. Mars transiting through Cancer ramps up security drives, the instinct to defend and protect space, territory, valuables and reputation.
Adding intensity to these drives is a mutual reception, an astrological term meaning Moon and Mars are feeding into each other. In this instance, Moon in Aries is associated with Mars, and Mars in Cancer is associated with Moon. People tend to be emotional, easily rattled, tense, on edge. To sum up, Moon and Mars are strange bedfellows, perhaps experienced as, “there is a disturbance in the force.”
Marking the fourth corner of this grand cross is Pluto, transiting in the final degree of Capricorn. A great deal is going on beneath the surface, and many unknown factors hide in the shadows. October is a month of revealing . . . peeling back the layers to realize a new future vision. Many will fight it, others will remain in the dark, still others will jump on board. Only time will tell.
Let’s sum up the cosmic messages of this powerful and transforming eclipse season. Starting with the Lunar Eclipse on September 17 conjunct Neptune, there has been a widespread breakdown of illusion. Bizarre, surreal, trance-like, Neptune’s effects are difficult to see through. Even though many minds remain caught in delusion, and little seems to make sense, overall this has initiated a deep soul searching for the meaning and purpose of life. Personally, socially and globally, realizations continue to shake up existing foundations.
October begins with the Solar Eclipse in Libra. Having taken the blinders off, attention shifts to relationship. In these unstable times, it is natural to turn to one another for mutual support. One may ask, “Who are the people in my closest circle?” Some relationships will deepen while other relationships dissolve during this make it, or break it, month. In wider circles, this affects large groups, especially nations seeking to build and strengthen alliances.
Packing a powerful punch, eclipses are cosmic exclamation points with long term resonance. However, effects tend to wane by the following Full Moon. But, in this case, October’s Full Moon is a SuperMoon grand cross configuration. Likened to standing at a crossroads, there are four directions to choose from. Turn around and go backwards? No way. Go right? Go left? Maybe. Looking around, taking in the views, pausing and facing squarely forward, stalwart and resolute, taking the next step.
Belinda C. Dunn is a professional astrologer with over 40 years experience. She is available for your personal consultation.;

Previous Month’s Forecast