
Ethics of Divination by Allison Frank

by Allison Frank
Asheville Oracle

What are your personal ethics as a reader? Are there questions you will not answer? Questions you should not answer? Have you given any thought to this aspect of your practice?

When working in the metaphysical arts, it is imperative to employ the highest degree of ethical responsibility during a session.  Whether you are just reading for friends, or if you’re an experienced psychic, your decision to help others holds you accountable to speak the unvarnished truth about what the cards reveal. There are positive readings and there are also dark, unwanted ones.  The burden of truth may feel oppressive if the spread contains uncomfortable or upsetting information. Your sacred obligation is to always honor the process of the cards and the universal magic made available to you.

In the long tradition of Tarot, the moment you sit down to read, you become a conduit between the cards and the other dimensions. This human/other-worldly interaction is a magnificent, transformational relationship,  It bestows us with information from our guides, angels and ancestors in order to serve humanity. However, because tarot readers don’t have a regulatory board to monitor our work, it becomes incumbent upon each of us to govern our own behavior and to maintain the greatest level of standards when performing a reading.  If you distort the meaning of the cards either because you are not certain of the correct meaning or you skew the interpretation to influence a specific outcome, the misrepresentation of the facts can cause grave danger to the person for whom you are reading. Therefore, the weighty mantle of accountability becomes your celestial guidepost.

People seek readings for a myriad of reasons. When every possible avenue to remedy a problem has been exhausted, people will inevitably turn to psychics if they are predisposed towards having a spiritual bent. Ranging from relationships and jobs, to the more esoteric aspects of earthly life including hauntings and unexplained premonitions, readers are – by virtue of what we do –  entrusted to listen to the deepest fears and unspoken secrets of our clients. They show up already inclined to believe what the cards say. So make certain you explain the cards’ message as precisely as possible.

Tarot doesn’t always provide satisfactory solutions. There are times when it’s blatantly obvious that cards alone are not adequate to alleviate the client’s difficulty. When that happens, resist the temptation to give advice when presented with predicaments outside your area of expertise. Explain that you not a licensed therapist, accountant, or doctor and therefore do not provide a diagnosis or counseling when confronted with questions that stray beyond your boundaries. When that occurs, evaluate the situation and encourage a client to seek help elsewhere. The client will respect your honesty, even if that’s not what they wanted to hear. There’s no shame in admitting that Tarot cards can’t predict if you mother is terminally ill or if you are going to move to Italy in ten years. Of course there are cards that do warn about future catastrophes, financial obstacles and agonizing mental states, and disclosing that type of message during a reading is totally valid. But understand your limitations and weigh your comments properly.

Here are some other ideas to consider when building your practice:


A reading should always be empowering because everyone deserves to trust their intuition. It’s our sixth sense, our god-given right, our cosmic heritage that weaves us all together. Therefore the primary goal of every reading  – even if unspoken – should be to infuse the recipient with the gentle reminder that they are universal souls living an earthly existence. Readers should always fortify their clients with a hefty dose self-confidence when it comes to owning their power. The miracle of bringing forth answers from spirit does not only happen when one is sitting in front of a psychic –  divination is available to everyone who seeks it.


What do you think your service is worth? Is your hourly fee more than your doctor charges? Do you allow for a sliding scale if someone needs help but can’t afford it? Always charge a fair price for your work.

Yes, we all need money but there must be a balance between serving a client and making a living. Too often,  I have seen clients pay exorbitant prices when they are desperate to feel better. I just heard a story about a woman who paid an internet shaman $500 for a prayer guaranteed to bring her boyfriend back. Not only is that greedy, it’s fraud.  If practitioners over charge, it can cause harm not only to clients but to the entire profession. We have an obligation to our entire spiritual community to work within the confines of ethical behavior. After all, our mastery is our birthright so why should we take advantage of others when most of us didn’t pay a dime to attain our skills or didn’t attend any type of school or training? Be kind. Times are hard.

Also, if you’ve not done many readings, it’s important to disclose your level of knowledge to those for whom you are reading so as not to mislead anyone about your abilities. Maybe take a donation or do a trade but never pass yourself off as an expert unless you have a couple of solid years of study and actual hands-on readings under your belt.


When getting a reading, a person should be able to expect that what they share during the session will not be repeated to anyone else. You should uphold the same regulations as a therapist since you are basically providing a service where people need to feel one hundred percent safe and protected in your care. They are entrusting you with their innermost desires and dilemmas and they are entitled to have their privacy respected. If THEY choose to talk about the experience, that’s entirely different; it is their right to share the details of the session with whomever they want.

Third Party Readings
A third party reading involves pulling cards for someone without their permission. It’s always been my belief that it’s dishonorable to lay a spread about a person who is completely unaware that their personal space is being invaded.

Case in point: There are some online readers who perpetually assert they are reading for celebrities or politicians who capture our collective attention. For example England’s royal family – most particularly Princess Kate Middleton. We regularly hear from a wide swath of these alleged psychics that she’s already dead or that Prince William has divorced her. When, in fact, if you verify these “claims” a few days later, you realize that none of their predictions came true. They sensationalize cultural icons to impress their audience, to draw you in, to take your money. This type of fraud does nothing except damage those of us only trying to abide by our spiritual morals in order to serve other people.

Unfortunately, I also get this line of inquiry all too frequently because our lives do center around relationships and it is natural to want closure about a break-up or a sick family member.  I’m often asked, “Is my ex thinking about me?” Or “When do you think my daughter will go back to college?”  Or “Does my father have cancer?” You get the gist. It doesn’t mean psychics can’t divine answers to these questions, but we probably shouldn’t indulge clients’ wishes to override the privacy of others. Because, in all likelihood, the result might be wildly inaccurate. In these scenarios, I remind people that this is their reading, and that the question should be re-framed to focus on how the client might react instead of what the other person is thinking.


Be impeccable with your words. Read the cards.  Don’t make up meanings. Don’t skew the interpretation when it has dire implications and you don’t want to be the messenger of bad news. When you read for others, tell the truth. The information you receive via these ancient images comes to you from other dimensions, from beings who fill you with knowledge that must be accurately delivered or else, what is the point of even performing this sacred act of prophecy?


Allison Frank (Asheville Oracle) has dedicated her life to reading Tarot cards to help people solve problems by accessing the higher dimensions. She’s been a reader at Crystal Visions for the past 8 years and you can book an appointment with her through the store. You can Contact Allison at or at Asheville Oracle Tarot on Facebook.




Link to previous Blog Post: Tarot – Why Get a Reading and How to Make the Most of It. By Kim Anderberg