Crystal Visions: Books-Gifts-Spiritual-Intuitive-Readings-Events
Metaphysical Sanctuary and Labyrinth
Saturday, August 24th
11:30AM – 1:30PM
Cost $20 – Register here
Chakra medicine offers a 100% holistic, natural path to healing mental and emotional health challenges on many levels of our multidimensional being!
❤️If you are a sensitive person who struggles to feel okay on a regular basis...
❤️ If you feel uncared for within mainstream mental healthcare environments…
~ Chakra Medicine Magic ~
⭐ Leverages the natural healing abilities of the human body
⭐ Releases blocked emotions
⭐ Transforms limiting beliefs that keep you stuck in undesirable mental states
⭐ Connects you with spirit guides & Divine frequencies
⭐ Supports your spiritual path to happiness & wholeness!
Chakra Magic is the perfect mental healthcare for sensitive Souls like you who need to feel balanced, loved, & free to be yourself in order to thrive in your life on Earth.
Your Guide: Kelly Janae Harris
Energy Healing Practitioner & Emotional Resilience Coach
I Know How it Feels to be Trapped in Anxiety & Depression.
I spent most of my adolescent and adult life suffering from:
(I also spent 2 years on a mood stabilizer, and 3.5 years tapering off that drug, using 100% holistic lifestyle changes, spiritual tools and energy healing.)
Now, my healing work focuses on helping people move out of chronic depression & anxiety, and into a life of personal freedom, joy, inner peace, & confidence.