Kriya Yoga Workshop and Initiation
Saturday, August 5th, 12:00 – 4:00 pm
Lecture : Free
Initiation Fee: $108
Kriyacharya Christopher Murphy will be hosting a free two hour lecture on the history, philosophy, and practice of Kriya Yoga, the ancient science of self-realization and awakening. After the lecture there will be a short break, followed by the actual initiation and instructions in the practice of Kriya Yoga itself. The initiation fee is $108 for all those who wish to learn this sacred practice, but the opening lecture and discussion is free. Do not feel obliged to stay for initiation if you attend the lecture: the initiation is for those who feel a connection to the practice and wish to commit to it.
The Kriya Yoga is the heart of the ancient tradition of Hatha Yoga established by the great Yogi Gorakshanath Babji, and made famous by luminaries such as Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Yogananda, and Swami Sri Yukteswar. Regular practice leads to the gradual awakening of higher consciousness, and develops the energy towards health and wellbeing. This particular method of Kriya Yoga is in the tradition of the Siddhanath Yoga Sangha, in which Chris has been given authorization to teach and initiate into.
The free lecture and introduction begins at noon and ends at 2pm. There will be a short intermission, and then the actual teaching of the practice will begin and continue until 4pm.
About Christopher:
Christopher Murphy has been practicing various forms of meditation for over twenty years, a practitioner of Kriya Yoga for 15 years, and a teacher in that tradition for a decade. He has travelled through the US, Canada, U.K, and Dominican Republic teaching philosophy, meditation, and spiritual exercises (Sadhana).